The Right Technology Can Make a Big Difference for Your App: Flutter vs. React Native.

Reliable. Flexible and swift high value. React Native is one of the few programming languages that can accomplish so much in such little time. In this primer, we outline the reasons that any company owner should think about moving their software to this flexible language.
Do you recall the infamous posts from 2016 regarding Airbnb ending its React Native support? Or the well-known React Native retreat that Udacity held in 2018?
Many people thought React Native was too abrupt. Build times may be excessive. Apk sizes that are too big and potentially difficult integrations can confuse users. A lean, mean, and incredibly versatile language, however, is hiding beneath the grime and dust and is eager to give.
Think about Coinbase’s phenomenal success after switching to React Native for a moment. Many of the early misunderstandings and incorrect actions were eliminated by their clear understanding of the merits, cons, and context surrounding React Native.
Their knowledge enables us to reduce our queries to the following basic ones:
Ø How does React Native function? What is it?
Ø When does using React Native make sense for your company’s projects?

How does React Native function? What is it?

Story of React Native
The phrase first appeared on Facebook in 2013. It became a programming tool that used JavaScript to create real native apps.
It worked exceptionally well when business logic and flow control from JavaScript were combined with native UI components to achieve the same performance as standard iOS and Android apps!
To put it briefly, developers perceive React Native as a quicker and cleaner approach to create responsive, flexible cross-platform apps that function and feel like native ones. It shouldn’t be a surprise that numerous Fortune 1000 organisations and early-stage startups have used it.

The inherent misunderstanding between React and React Native needs to be cleared up in order to fully understand how React Native functions: Despite being closely related, they are NOT the same even though they both originated from Facebook developers.

An introduction to React (React.js)- It first featured in 2011.
React is a JavaScript library and web application framework. It combines a quick, novel method of producing a responsive online user interface with JavaScript. React Native employs the React syntax and ideas to enable the creation of installable apps, with the React concept serving as its central organising principle.